All about Paediatric Dermatology

Paediatric dermatology focuses on the study, prevention, and treatment of skin problems that affect children. Children often develop various skin disorders, some equally prevalent in adults but having different effects on kids and teenagers. Infections (such as warts, verrucas, or impetigo), dermatitis (seborrheic, atopic, or diaper rash), hereditary abnormalities, acne, cherry angiomas, or vascular traumas are among the most prevalent conditions. The skin of children is different from the skin of adults, and it requires specialized care and treatments for all problems.

Which Ailments are Treated?

Children may acquire certain skin disorders that require specialized care. The most typical ailments are as follows:

Molluscum contagiosium: It is a virus that spreads easily. Due to defects in the skin barrier, it affects kids with atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Atopic dermatitis (eczema): Although it is a chronic condition, taking proper care of your skin can assist with some of the symptoms that typically affect the face, scalp, or other parts of the body.

Acne: Teenagers are more likely to be affected by this ailment, which frequently lowers their self-esteem.

When to Consult

Throughout childhood, it’s necessary to get frequent dermatological exams. The skin should be examined at least once a year. It is essential to monitor existing moles and examine any new ones, mainly if they have grown larger. Dermatological checks performed in the first few months of infancy can identify potentially dangerous illnesses and stop issues from becoming severe enough to affect the child later in life.

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